
Polygamy Matters
Polygamy occurs with some of the most hard to reach women, many of whom are ashamed to talk about it. So, in partnership with Greenwich University, MEWSo carried out research to help better detect the signs of polygamy, the problems it causes and how best to help. And, in the process, collected modern-day tales of the practise.
Defending Equality
in Birmingham Schools
Following organised opposition to inclusive relationship and sex lessons by religious fundamentalists and right-wing groups, the under-signed of an open letter, which includes MEWSo, called on everyone to add their voice to demand an education curriculum that is based on acceptance, equality and humanity, and urged the Government to defend, without reservation, the right of schools to teach an inclusive curriculum.

Insights from BAME Communities in Central West London
A report from HealthWatch Central West London, in partnership with the BME Health Forum, looking into health services catering to Black and Ethnic Minority communities.